This division is responsible for the following tasks:

  • assisting individuals or businesses in the initial steps to acquire water and/or sewer service
  • assisting with the certification of utility projects
  • collecting location data on various infrastructure items
  • evaluating paved streets and preparing bid documents for the resurfacing of City maintained streets
  • inspection of drainage complaints
  • investigation of street lighting issues
  • making periodic inspections during construction jobs
  • modeling of the water distribution system
  • providing utility information to developers, governmental agencies and utility companies
  • performing survey work for utility projects
  • preparation of project plans, specifications and contract documents
  • witnessing of required testing

The DDC is often involved with the recommending and hiring of engineering consultant firms. This division furnishes those firms with data, copies of utility plans, etc. that may be needed for the completion of a particular project. This division also reviews plans and easement plats prepared by the consulting firms, as well as private developers.

The DDC is also responsible for the preparation and safekeeping of municipal maps, scanning of utility project plans, safekeeping of plans for the treatment plants, etc.